About This School

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A Brief History of FAMMS:

Frank Augustus Miller Middle School is the seventh middle school in Riverside Unified School District and opened for the 2009-10 school year. Our school is named after Mr. Frank Augustus Miller, the man known for “putting Riverside on the map.” Mr. Miller was the founder, builder, and original owner of the Mission Inn. Aside from the accolades he received for constructing one of the Inland Empire’s most famous landmarks, Mr. Miller was a stakeholder in numerous other diverse civic accomplishments that have directly influenced the lives of millions of residents. He was a co-founder of Riverside County in 1892, when it broke away from San Bernardino County. He also helped establish the city’s Citrus Experiment Station – which later became the University of California at Riverside. In a different vein, he organized the original Easter Sunday sunrise services on Mount Rubidoux. Those services remain very popular today. At Frank Augustus Miller Middle School we aspire to have clarity in our mission and vision resulting in a level of excellence worthy of the name bestowed upon us. The honor we have been given can serve as a daily reminder as we always work to do our very best. In the spirit of our community of learners I want to encourage you to please access this web page on a regular basis. Upcoming events and information will be posted under the News section. We will work together to develop a foundation of excellence for your students as we support them through their middle school journey.

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