Language Arts Department
Mrs. Ayala, ELD, 8th grade
Mrs. Crawford, 8th grade
Mrs. Gordon, 7th
Ms. Ibarra, 7th & 8th grade
Ms. Quaternik, 7th grade
Ms. Young, 8th grade
Math Department
Ms. Castillo, 8th grade
Mrs. Green, 7th & 8th grade
Mr. Paulos, 7th and 8th grade
Mrs. Jones, 7th grade
Mrs. Reese, 8th grade
Mrs. Squire, 7th grade
History Department
Mr. Aguirre, 7th grade
Mr. Berz, 7th grade
Ms. Donahoo, 7th & 8th grade
Mr. McCloud, 8th grade
Mr. Monte, 7th grade
Mr. Schanz, 8th grade
Science Department
Ms. Kozicki, 7th & 8th grade
Mr. Luchsinger, 8th grade
Mr. Malone, 8th grade
Mrs. Parker, 7th grade
Mrs. Queyrel, 7th grade
Mr. Wikel, 8th grade
PE Department
Mr. Genung
Mr. Jones
Mr. Mejia
Mrs. Mueting
Special Education Department
Mrs. Dorantes-Navarette, ELA/History
Mrs. Estrada-Carillo, Life Skills
Ms. Graydon, Math, SFS, ELA Workshop
Mr. Siy, Math & Science
Mrs. Sundal, Science/History/ELA
Mrs. Taynton, Adapted PE
Electives Department
Mrs. Alrayess, Choir and Explore 7
Mrs. Bates, Art and Explore 8
Mr. Genung, Explore 7
Mrs. Holland, Spanish 1 & Explore 7
Mr. McCloud, Explore 7 & 8
Mrs. Olsen, Band
Mrs. Parker, Explore 7
Mrs. Reese, Publications
Mr. Wikel, AVID